Welcome To Fund Recovery System
We are here to support you.
Funds Recovery Asset TeamThe Funds Recovery Team Field Office wants to educate the public about when to report cybercrime to help the UN governments field offices to freeze funds for victims who made transfers to domestic accounts under fraudulent pretenses.
We receive cybercrime complaints from private citizens and industry in different parts of the world. Once a complaint is filed, all are added to the FBI expansive database. Internet crime analysts compile similar complaints, collect relevant case information from both open-source and closed-source public information databases, and confer with state, local, tribal, federal, and international law enforcement personnel.
Funds Recovery Asset Team was established in February 2018 supported by the FBI and IC3.gov to streamline communications with financial institutions when individuals become victims to various money scams. When we receives a complaint from a victim that made a transfer under fraudulent pretenses to a bank account located in the United States or Anywhere in the world, we forwards the transaction details to an identified point of contact at the recipient bank to notify the bank of the fraudulent activity and request freezing of the account. Once a response is received from the recipient bank, then contacts the appropriate FBI field office.
For us to be effective, individuals must immediately report Internet-related crimes to the us and include all pertinent information, including account details. For more information, please write us here moneyrecoverysystem@gmail.com we promise to give you feed back as soon as possible.
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Thoughts. Experiences. Recovery of stolon funds.
Fund Recovery System is a new way of getting your money back from scam online. This is hundreds percent guarantee. So many crimes are happening online So please be very vigilant before you shear your personal details or send money to an unknown person online. We are here to help you no more crying, no more thinking.
help line: call or text 📞 +1 (708) 397 6281

Money Recovery System

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500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158
Chremma House, 14 London Rd
+1 (708) 397- 6281